Thursday, August 28, 2008

Why this feat is so special for Guruji?

If cricket is under serious threat from the Abhinav Bindras to lose its unrivalled kingdom; MSD has been put under similar propositions by the septuagenarian JMM stalwart: Shibu Soren. Though Maahi has been the standalone Jharkhandi claim to international fame and pride in recent times, guruji surely has wrested his numero uno standing to an enviable extent. Not only did he become a central theme to our aspirations of a nuclear deal with the USA, he also helped the making of a political Kinng from an otherwise tactless Manmohan Singh. From 22nd July to 26th August, if any leader has literally captured the constituents of national politics; it is our very own Dishom Guru: Shibu Soren- the new CM of Jharkhand.

His case does merit more attention, as it exemplifies the proverbial phoenix rise from dumps to the CEO of Jharkhand. His new found tranquillity with words and penchant with calculated strategic moves genuinely match Maahi’s cucumber cool and rock solid confidence about the end result. An observant take on this high voltage political drama, clearly portrays the way in which Guruji turned things to his advantage in a changed set of political co-ordinates. From Chirudih and Sashinath Jha murder case to the ever-elusive chiefministership of Jharkhand, and make shift arrangements with coal ministry; Guruji’s track record has a striking resemblance with that ‘use and throw’ pen. For his friends from the nationalist parties, his status has always been accommodative and not of felicitation. Never did it occur to Congress and its allies that a leader of this undisputed charisma among the tribal population deserved better offerings than those never ending waiting periods and vibes of self centred petty politics. Many of his colleagues with even inferior credentials continued with the hot seat, but Guruji was made to experience the political exile.

Stalin said: “If the baby doesn’t cry, the mother doesn’t know what he needs. Ask for anything you need. There will be no refusals.” Times changed and so did the equations from Ranchi to Delhi. He bailed Manmohan Singh in the trust vote on 22nd July, but there was a farsighted angle inculcated in this bargain. As the proverbial numbers were supporting Guruji’s case, the Oxbridge and Harvard managers in Delhi started dancing to his tunes. And, this time Guruji kept the discussions busy with the priorities in Delhi and sneaked Jharkhand in with a silent but prospective finesse. He was confident of three facts: the saleable set of independent MLAs who would sleep with everything that gives them a hope to remain powerfully relevant, his own indispensability for the central govt. keeping in view the ensuing parliament elections and Laloo Yadav’s miserable life with a non UPA establishment in Jharkhand, given the fact that the ghost of ‘fodder scam’ still haunts the RJD supremo. Though initially, his own image of ‘a simple and manageable adivaasi’ restricted him from being taken seriously; his resolute stand to go to the extent of pulling the Koda govt. down stunned the crisis managers across the party lines and tables got turned in his favour.

Having spent months of humiliation, isolation and inequitable treatments by Laloo Yadav, Sonia Gandhi and the minnows like the independents; he cashed in on his decades long experience and with a bit of luck which one always needs in the unforgiving world of politics, came out tops in copybook maahi ishtyle - It ain’t over till the fat lady sings. Though it’s farfetched to expect any thing magical from the change in guard, as the ‘old wine new bottle' arrangements in terms of human capital in the ministry do churn out the same pessimistic vibes; the people can at least expect an iota of ownership from a Chief Minister who not only symbolises the second largest political outfit in Jharkhand but a genre of agitations, sacrifices and symptomatic tribal pride. All the best- Guruji! You truly rock!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Jamshedpur inspires Guruji!

From opportunistic sleeping escapades to admonishing overtures to get what he was initially promised with; Guruji is running from pillar to post to don the political captaincy of Jharkhand just like an insecure lover’s last ditch to marry his princess. After all, in the unforgiving uncertainties of growing age and politics, one doesn’t dare to wait till tomorrow. But, why is Guruji being singled out? Jharkhand has been a breeding ground for politically ambitious souls. The contenders from Bollywood, Bureaucracy, Corporate and Underworld may look like daydreamers, but all their hopes to make it big, surely count on the successful logics from the Jharkhandi past. Great things happen here by fluke and, the Jharkhandi fluke repeats itself.
It is not only the ‘ignited minds’ of JMM which aim to bite more than they can chew; the so called disciplined political outfit BJP hosts many Gurujis. The race has begun to find a star that will cut Suman Mahato’s dream run short. And, Jamshedpur is again the laboratory, which initiated the real apolitical mix into Jharkhandi political arena through examples of Nitish Bharadwaj (the Sri Krishna of the Mahabharata fame) and Rushi Modi (Ex. MD Tata Steel).
For the BJP ticket, the names which are making the rounds include Amitabh Chaudhary, Prabhat Sinha and Sadhu Mahato. With aspirations to make an entry to the highest podium of democracy, do these gentlemen really profess any credentials to support their candidature in terms of understanding the plight of the masses, political pedigree and knowledge of ground realities? So, it is imperative to examine their own raison d’ĂȘtre to envisage a candidature for themselves. Mr. Chaudhary banks on his self-declared outstanding tenure as SP of Jamshedpur. Mr. Sinha assumes that he was the only General Manager of Tata Steel with a difference, and Mr. Mahato thinks he earns enough credits because of his surname and the ideological shift he made from Congress to BJP in the eleventh hour to grab the party ticket.
A low down on their activities in the recent past offers the reality bites. The last professional achievement for Mr. Chaudhari was Surendra Bangaali- the dreaded criminal around 11 years back. After that, it has been allegations of blackmailing of tickets in the ODI between India and England, and falling out with his own Chief Secretary not for issues related to the welfare of the state, but for the impending threat Mr. P.P. Sharma was becoming to his duty free run with the JCA (Jharkhand Cricket Association) crown. The inordinate delay in his allegations against the Chief Secretary and the timing, do smell rat. The manhandling of a senior judge by his wife’s bodyguards only added value to his dubious portfolio. Discussing Prabhat Sinha makes one argue his claim to fame. People know him as the man who engineered an otherwise unknown Parimal Nathwani’s election to Rajya Sabha. He enjoys a far too superior track record as power broker for Nathwani and for the Reliance Empire than his performance as General Manager with Tata Steel and for the people of Jamshedpur. For Mr. Mahato, scores of criminal charges against him make him another of those politicians who think, only a judicial conviction can question their morality. Inner voices and public opinion are all Greek to them.
For any Jharkhandi, who is not living on either Mars or Venus for the last one year; this self promoted group of ‘A few good men’ reminds one of unadulterated opportunism to cash in on the awfully underperforming Suman Mahato to build their own political castle. So, after decades of toiling and crisscrossing through the geographies of the tribal land; Guruji’s gestures are nowhere farfetched by the traditional stretch of political imagination. Unlike his other apolitical counterparts he has decades of hardship, humiliations, and methodical fights through ground zero to his credit. If this troika can dream of Delhi, Guruji deserves to aim high. We may ridicule him, but let’s not ridicule his ambitions. Yeh dil maange more!